


2 Rounds of Competition Plus Posing Routine

  1. Criteria used to judge a physique is based on two equal rounds: symmetry and muscularity. A third round is graded to a lesser degree, and that is the Posing Routine Round. Depending upon the number of competitors, you may be divided up into different classes or divisions, age groups or height. If the turnout is low than the organization reserves the right to combine any and all classes or divisions.

    1. Muscularity (Body Conditioning) 40%
    2. Symmetry (Quarter Turns) 40%
    3. Posing Routine 20% Set to music of athletes choice. No shorter than 30 seconds and no longer than 1:00 Minute. The routine should incorporate athlete’s artistic moves and poses. Music must be safe for all ages and audiences.
  2. Each competitor will be given a score placement based on total performance in each round with an overall tabulation of placing between both rounds.
  3. Male competitors must wear one piece board-shorts between mid-thigh and knee length. Bikini, thongs or G-strings are not permitted except for International events. Jewelry is not permitted except for wedding bands.

Muscularity Round (Mandatory Poses)

  1. Will walk individually out onto the stage and execute a few of their best poses, with a sufficient amount of time to hold each pose for the judges and to rest between each pose.
  2. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed non-overly wide stance with at least one heel firmly planted on the floor.
  3. Male competitors must wear one piece board-shorts between mid-thigh and knee length. Must be performed barefoot. No jewelry, gloves, hats, etc., are permitted.
  4. After initial comparisons are complete the head judge may shift the position of the competitors to conduct additional comparisons.
  5. Judges will be looking at the size of the muscle relative to skeletal structure, shape, hardness and definition. This includes the separation between individual muscles and muscle groups without being overly striated, big, dense, hard or dry. THIS IS WHAT SEPARATES PHYSIQUE FROM CLASSIC PHYSIQUE AND BODYBUILDING.
  6. Muscle shape should be aesthetically pleasing and should demonstrate development from the belly out to the extremities.

Symmetry Round

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching.
  2. Will execute a series of quarter turns to the right allowing the judges to view them from the front, left side, back and right side before returning to the front starting position.
  3. Symmetry refers to the structural harmony of the physique relative to the size of various body parts. It can be defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts.
  4. Symmetry does not refer to muscular mass but rather to the harmonious blend of all body parts to present a total aesthetically proportionally developed physique.
  5. Points are not granted based on potential.
  6. This event is primarily and upper-torso competition. Leanness and muscularity count. Body should display and “S-Curve” shape with tight lines and a well-balanced abdominal wall and tapered waist.
  7. The thick muscles and extremely low body fat levels of the Bodybuilders is NOT desired for the Contemporary Physique Competitor. Physique competitors should have a wide back and shoulders, a smaller waist, combined with perfect symmetry and balance to their physique, with some muscle striations. We offer both TESTED and NON-TESTED Divisions in Contemporary Physique.
  8. Muscle shape should be aesthetically pleasing and should demonstrate development from the abdomen out to the upper body extremities.
Men's Physique contestants lines up on stage posing


2 Rounds of Competition

  1. Criteria used to judge a physique is based on two equal rounds: symmetry and muscularity.
  2. Each competitor will be given a score placement based on total performance in each round with an overall tabulation of placing between all rounds.
  3. Competitors must wear posing suits for Bodybuilding and above the thigh square cut posing shorts for Classic Physique. Jewelry is not permitted except for wedding bands.

Symmetry Round

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching.
  2. Will execute a series of quarter turns to the right allowing the judges to view them from the front, left side, back and right side before returning to the front starting position.
  3. Symmetry refers to the structural harmony of the physique relative to the size of various body parts. It can be defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts.
  4. Symmetry does not refer to muscular mass but rather to the harmonious blend of all body parts to present a total aesthetically proportionally developed physique.
  5. Points are not granted based on potential.

Muscularity Round (Mandatory Poses)

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching and heels firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Will execute a series of ten (10) mandatory poses with a sufficient amount of time to hold each pose for the judges and to rest between each pose.
  3. Must be performed barefoot.
  4. After initial comparisons are complete the head judge may shift the position of the competitors to conduct additional comparisons.
  5. Judges will be looking at the size of the muscle relative to skeletal structure, shape, hardness and definition. This includes the separation between individual muscles and muscle groups and the striations within a muscle or muscle group. Additionally, for Bodybuilding competitors, the judges will be looking for dryness and extreme leanness.
  6. In both the Bodybuilding & Classic Physique categories, competitors have to perform a routine choreographed to music of their choice. (1-Minute and songs must be properly edited for the general public) It is here where the competitor can demonstrate their physique during movement. Physique competitors compete in their bare feet just as the Bodybuilders do, and are judged on their muscle mass—they are expected to have full muscles (but not as thick as the Bodybuilders). Classic Physique competitors should step on stage with some muscle striations, which are allowed in this category. The overall look that the judges want to see is, leaner and more muscular, than the other categories.

    The thick muscles and extremely low body fat levels of the Bodybuilders is NOT desired for the Classic Physique Competitor. Physique Competitors should have a wide back and shoulders, a smaller waist, strong, legs and glutes combined with perfect symmetry and balance to their physique, with some muscle striations. We offer both TESTED and NON-TESTED Divisions in Classic Physique and retain the right to combine the Classic Physique and Bodybuilding categories together.

  7. Muscle shape should be aesthetically pleasing and should demonstrate development from the abdomen out to the extremities.
  8. The ten (10) mandatory poses include:
    1. Front Double Biceps
    2. Front Lat Spread
    3. Abdominal Pose
    4. Side Chest
    5. Side Triceps
    6. Rear Double Biceps
    7. Rear Lat Spread
    8. Quadriceps
    9. Hands-on-hips Most Muscular
    10. Most Muscular Crab Shot (men only)
    11. Most Symmetrical

Men’s Classic Physique



2 Rounds of Competition

  1. Criteria used to judge a physique is based on two equal rounds: symmetry and muscularity.
  2. Each competitor will be given a score placement based on total performance in each round with an overall tabulation of placing between all rounds.
  3. Competitors must wear posing suits for Bodybuilding and above the thigh square cut posing shorts for Classic Physique. Jewelry is not permitted except for wedding bands.

Symmetry Round

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching.
  2. Will execute a series of quarter turns to the right allowing the judges to view them from the front, left side, back and right side before returning to the front starting position.
  3. Symmetry refers to the structural harmony of the physique relative to the size of various body parts. It can be defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts.
  4. Symmetry does not refer to muscular mass but rather to the harmonious blend of all body parts to present a total aesthetically proportionally developed physique.
  5. Points are not granted based on potential.

Muscularity Round (Mandatory Poses)

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching and heels firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Will execute a series of ten (10) mandatory poses with a sufficient amount of time to hold each pose for the judges and to rest between each pose.
  3. Must be performed barefoot.
  4. After initial comparisons are complete the head judge may shift the position of the competitors to conduct additional comparisons.
  5. Judges will be looking at the size of the muscle relative to skeletal structure, shape, hardness and definition. This includes the separation between individual muscles and muscle groups and the striations within a muscle or muscle group. Additionally, for Bodybuilding competitors, the judges will be looking for dryness and extreme leanness.
  6. In both the Bodybuilding & Classic Physique categories, competitors have to perform a routine choreographed to music of their choice. (1-Minute and songs must be properly edited for the general public) It is here where the competitor can demonstrate their physique during movement. Physique competitors compete in their bare feet just as the Bodybuilders do, and are judged on their muscle mass—they are expected to have full muscles (but not as thick as the Bodybuilders). Classic Physique competitors should step on stage with some muscle striations, which are allowed in this category. The overall look that the judges want to see is, leaner and more muscular, than the other categories.

    The thick muscles and extremely low body fat levels of the Bodybuilders is NOT desired for the Classic Physique Competitor. Physique Competitors should have a wide back and shoulders, a smaller waist, strong, legs and glutes combined with perfect symmetry and balance to their physique, with some muscle striations. We offer both TESTED and NON-TESTED Divisions in Classic Physique and retain the right to combine the Classic Physique and Bodybuilding categories together.

  7. Muscle shape should be aesthetically pleasing and should demonstrate development from the abdomen out to the extremities.
  8. The ten (10) mandatory poses include:
    1. Front Double Biceps
    2. Front Lat Spread
    3. Abdominal Pose
    4. Side Chest
    5. Side Triceps
    6. Rear Double Biceps
    7. Rear Lat Spread
    8. Quadriceps
    9. Hands-on-hips Most Muscular
    10. Most Muscular Crab Shot (men only)
    11. Most Symmetrical

Men’s Bodybuilding



2 Rounds of Competition

Busy dudes who like to eat, and don’t want to strictly diet… this category is for you!

Guys who like to get their lift on a few times per week, but have lives that are too busy to dedicate themselves to a competition regime of training and nutrition, this category is for you. GymFit is for the guy who might carry a little extra body fat in the stomach, and for the skinny guy who can’t seem to put on any muscle. The GymFit category is one that focuses on symmetry, proportions, general appearance and essentially, the ‘overall package’.

Generally speaking, you should have a healthy and fit body, with a firm appearance. In this category it is perfectly fine to have a bit of a stomach. Although muscle definition is acceptable, you should avoid too muscle definition or separation, and SHOULD NOT HAVE very low body fat levels, dryness or muscle size.

The GymFit category is also great for those who may have been competing for a while and their bodies just won’t fit into a traditional competition category, and it is a great place for new competitors to start! The GymFit man represents a healthy lifestyle no matter his size, shape or age.

GymFit Category: Attire

What you wear matters, so do not overlook the rules of your federation, because you will be marked down if you aren’t dressed appropriately.

Generally you will be expected to wear gym workout wear. Your footwear also needs attention. You can wear sneakers, flip flops or other kicks that complement your gym look. It should be noted that you can wear simple jewelry as long as it is not distracting.

Finally, you can style your hair as you wish. In addition to what you wear, you should also be tanned for the event, your tan should be more of a ‘lasting’ kind and not one that wipes off. As well as your tan, you can use oils to highlight muscle definition, however, excessive use can get you disqualified, so be careful.

Round 1

In this round you will be called on stage where your group will be called to the center of the stage. Here you will be directed through a quarter turn right, a quarter turn back, a quarter turn right and a quarter turn front. You should maintain good posture throughout. Failure to perform quarter turns adequately could result in being marked down or disqualified.

Front Facing Position

In front facing position; you should stand upright with your stomach in, chest high, and shoulders back. In addition, your head and eyes should be facing forwards. Rest one hand on your hip and position one leg out to the side. Your other hand should hang straight down by your side, along with an open palm, facing forwards, with straight fingers.

Quarter Turn Left

You will now reveal your left side to the judges. In this pose your upper body should be turned towards the judges and you should be looking directly at them. Rest your right hand on your hip and hang your left arm down and back to reveal the centerline of your body. Again, with an open palm and straight fingers. Your left foot should come forward slightly and up on tip toes, raising your hip, with a slight bend in your knee.

Quarter Turn Back

Your second quarter turn will reveal your back to the judges. Here you will be expected to stand up straight with a slight and natural curve in your lower back. Your hands should hang straight down by your side, again with open palm and straight fingers. As with the front facing position, you should have your stomach in, chest high, and shoulders back. You will be expected to keep your back to the judges the entire time.

Quarter Turn Right

This final turn will reveal your right side to the judges. Stance should be the exact opposite of the first quarter turn that previously revealed your left side. Your upper body should be turned towards the judges and you should be looking directly at them. Rest your left hand on your hip and hang your right arm down and back to reveal the centerline of your body, again with open palm and straight fingers. Your right foot should come forward slightly and up on tip toes, raising the hip, with a slight bend in your knee. It is important to note that you should not move, or drop your pose, unless you are instructed to do so. You will return to your original line-up after all of your turns are complete, at which point, you will all leave the stage.

Round 2

As with Round 1; you will be called back on stage to center stage for the judges. In addition to this, you will stop to perform a couple different poses of your own choosing. Once all athletes have arrived, the judges will submit their individual suggestions for further comparison between competitors. All individual comparisons will be performed center stage. After all comparisons are complete, you will resume your line up position before exiting the stage. You will be called back on stage once the judges have made their decision, after which the award ceremony will take place.

GymFit Men Examples



Round 1: Performance Routine

Each athlete will perform a maximum two-minute fitness routine. The routine can be any style of movement or exercise activity. Routine should be set to music and the music should be the “extremely edited” version of any song or mix of songs. Each routine, no matter its style or type should also include at least one of each of these movements: A high jump/kick, a push-up, a split and a controlled static hold on hands. This can be a variation of handstands, headstands, planches (a plank with both feet off of the ground), or seated holds like a pike hold, or straddle press.


See photos below

Judges will use these aspects to score this round and the degree of athleticism using the following criteria:

  • Strength–the amount and types of strength moves
  • The degree of difficulty of these moves
  • The ease and correctness of the moves
  • Flexibility–the number and types of flexibility moves
  • The degree of difficulty of these moves
  • The ease and correctness of the moves
  • Cardiovascular–the tempo of the routine
  • Routine time is minimum 1:30–maximum 2:00 minutes
  • Overall Package–full general assessment including but not limited to creativity, stage presence, costume, hair and makeup

Round 2: Physique Comparisons

  • Female competitors will compete in a two-piece suit, while the men will compete in a square cut suit that sits above mid-thigh. The bottom of the suit must be V-shaped or full-bottomed. The ideal female body for Fitness, falls between the Female Model & Figure categories. The ideal men’s body for Fitness, falls between the body for the Male Model and Physique Categories. Junior Fitness competitors will NOT be judged on their body composition. In this round will wear Sportswear, that reflects their ability to model and present a sport. Junior girls between the ages of 6-17 may not appear on stage in a 2-piece swimsuit unless written permission is given by their coach or parent.
  • Women Competitors must wear high heels and men are barefooted.
  • Competitors may wear jewelry, as long as it does not distract or take away from the physique.

The contestants should have shape to their muscles but not size or overly defined muscularity/vascularity as in bodybuilding physique. If these are present the contestant will be scored down.


See photos below

  • Firmness
  • Symmetry
  • Proportion
  • Overall physical appearance including
  • Complexion
  • Poise (for women) Stature (for men)
  • Overall presentation

Round 3: Spokesperson Formal Wear & Speech

See photo below

Each athlete will give a 30-second speech.


Judges will score this round based on the following criteria:

  • Evening Wear. Appropriate Formal Wear. Tux or Suit and Tie for Men and boys, Evening Gowns for Women; Party Dress for girls.
  • Speech. 30 second speech on who your are and your view of healthy living. Speech should flow easily and avoid say, um’s and uh’s while speaking.
  • Hair styling, makeup and formal wear should fit well and complement the athletes tones and colors. Shoes should be appropriate to formal wear.
  • Movement should flow easily as the perform their T-walk on stage
  • Jewelry should be appropriate and compliment the athlete’s formal wear.

Fitness Examples



The goal of the Fitness Model is to secure a fitness advertising or marketing campaign in print, television or social media. The Fitness Model Category is open to both Male and Female athletes, as well as Junior Division athletes, ages 6-17 years of age. While the body is important, size and musculature is not. The Fitness Model competitor will compete in 3 rounds, with each round representing 1/3 of the total score. This is not a Bodybuilding, Physique or Figure category, therefore muscle flexing, or any poses from those categories will be penalized. The athletes physique should have clean, tight lines with minimal striations. Athletes in the Junior Divisions will not be score on their physiques. The athletes face should be “camera-ready”, and they should be able to speak clearly in order to be able to represent a sponsors product in any commercial or live marketing event.

There will be 3 rounds in the Fitness Model Search event:

  • Round 1: Fitness Model Body Round (Swimsuit)
  • Round 2: Fitness Model Marketing & Product Round (Themed Sportswear & Sponsor Representation)
  • Round 3: Fitness Model Marketability Round (Clubwear & Live Photo Shoot)
Overall Judging Preview Females:

Some degree of Muscularity & Separations are acceptable, no overly visible Striations. Good Overall Muscle Tone. Shapely Lines. Muscle Firmness. Not Overly Lean. A Reasonable amount of Body Fat. Healthy Appearance. Face, Hair & Make-up done well & styled differently for each round. Skin Tone Balanced & Even. Suitable Clubwear & Make-up & Tanning Colors for Your Tones. Appropriate Amount of Jewelry Tastefully Worn. Walk & Modeling Ability – Poise while Speaking, (Not Moving). A Look of Outer Beauty (As Shown). A Feeling of Inner Beauty (As Perceived). A Sense of Charm, Style, Grace & Personality (As Demonstrated).

Overall Judging Preview Males:

Some degree of Muscularity & Separations is acceptable, however no overly visible Striations. Good Overall Muscle Tone Body-Balance and “V” Shaped Lines. Muscle Firmness. Not Overly Lean. A Reasonable amount of Body Fat. Healthy Appearance. Face, Hair & Make-up done well & styled differently for each round. Skin Tone Balanced & Even. Suitable Clubwear, Appropriate Make-up & Tanning for Your Tones & Colors. Appropriate amount of Accessories Tastefully Worn. Walk & Modeling Ability – Stature while Speaking (When Not Moving). A Look of Outer Attractiveness (As Shown). A Feeling of Inner Confidence (As Perceived). A Sense of Charm, Style, Power & Personality (As Demonstrated).

Scoring – Round 1: Body Round

The contestants should have shape to their muscles but not size, definition or vascularity as in bodybuilding, physique or figure. If these are overly present the contestant will be scored down. Female competitors are allowed to wear 1-piece or 2-piece swimsuits. Men MUST wear square cut swim trunks that fall no lower than mid-thigh on the leg. Board Shorts or Bodybuilding posing trucks will result in score deductions.

Judges will score each athletes body using the following criteria:

  • Firmness
  • Symmetry
  • Proportion
  • Overall physical appearance. Including:
    • Complexion
    • Poise
    • Overall Presentation

Scoring – Round 2: Marketing & Product Round

Judges will use these aspects to score this round using the following criteria:

  • The competitor will be given a sponsor product and will give a 30 second pitch to sell the item. Everything is based on “on-the-spot” performance. The sponsor reveal will likely take place during the mandatory Competitor’s Meeting.
  • Modeling / Walk / Poise (Female) Stature (Male)
  • Glamour & Beauty (Women)
  • Voice/Tone Speech. 30 second speech on who your are and your view of healthy living. Speech should flow easily and avoid say, um’s and uh’s while speaking. Clarity & Understanding (Diction)

Scoring – Round 3: Marketability Round

Judges will score this round based on the following criteria:

  • The Glamour and Beauty for women. Is the competitors face, hair and makeup done well and styled appropriately for this round? Is the appearance and look for men clean or if they sport facial hair is it camera ready according to the look they portray?
  • The walk and poise/stature for both men and women. Can they walk around the stage keeping in touch with the audience, judges and their photographer, without being clumsy or losing their staging? Is the modeling aspect smooth, and do they use a variety of facial expressions? Is the competitor having fun? Would the audience purchase a product represented by this model?
  • Do they walk with confidence? Do you see a look of outer attractiveness, a feeling of inner confidence, a sense of charm, style, grace, personality and power?
  • How well do they utilize the stage?
  • How well do they follow the directions of the photographer?
  • How well they utilize their time provided for the photo shoot?
  • Is Clubwear appropriate for the occasion? Do you feel an extra effort was put into the competitors choice of Clubwear?
  • Are the shoes appropriate, fun, complementary or make a statement as they related to the Clubwear?
  • Movement should flow easily as they perform their T-walk on stage.
  • Jewelry should be appropriate and compliment the athlete’s Clubwear.

FitModel Examples



  1. Looking for poise and coordination, skin tone, artistic presentation and a high display of elegance, personality and glamour. Your overall presentation will be a part of this score.
  2. Judging will consist of two rounds: Symmetry and Stage Presence.
  3. Each competitor will be given a score placement based on total performance in each round with an overall tabulation of placing between all rounds.

Symmetry Round

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance.
  2. Will execute a series of quarter turns to the right allowing the judges to view them from the front, left side, back and right side before returning to the front starting position.
  3. Judging is based on overall symmetry and muscle definition.
  4. High heels are standard footwear.

Stage Presence Round

  1. Posing Routine & Personal Stage Walk
  2. Will execute a series of poses with a sufficient amount of time to hold each pose for the judges and to rest between each pose.
  3. Competitors will then present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance, and heels firmly planted on the floor.
  4. Must be performed in heels.
  5. Costume, Wings, Jewelry etc is ENCOURAGED!
  6. After initial comparisons are completed the head judge may shift the position of the competitors to conduct additional comparisons.
  7. All posing is to be performed with open hands–no clenched fists.
Bikini Competitors Present A Figure, With Evenly Proportioned Shoulders And Hips

The bikini category has potentially been the most appealing category to women entering into the sport. Bikini girls require good and balanced muscle definition, without extreme muscularity or low body fat levels. The judging of bikini competitors is based on a healthy, balanced and well-proportioned physique. As with other categories, points are awarded for symmetry and stage presentation.

Judges are looking for a classic hourglass figure, with particular emphasis being placed on the shoulder muscles, a small waist and good, well-proportioned glutes.

Skin tone is very important, so make sure that skin is firm, moisturised and tan is well applied.

Bikini Competitors Are Assessed By A Panel Of Judges Across The Following Specific Areas…

  • Front and back poses
  • Overall presentation
  • Bikini Walk/T-Walk or Pony Circle Walk
  • Posing
  • Confidence and stage presence.
Judging is across two rounds, wearing a two piece bikini and high heels. In both rounds, competitors will be expected to perform front, back and both side poses

For the second round, competitors will start with the Bikini Walk, in which they will be expected to show their stage presence and physique on the move.

Points are accumulated for; look, physique and stage presence.


The competitor walks confidently towards center stage, in addition to this, they will stop to perform a couple of different poses of their own choosing.

Bikini Examples



2 Rounds of Competition

  1. Looking for poise and coordination, skin tone, artistic presentation and a high display of elegance, personality and glamour. Your overall presentation will be a part of this score.
  2. Judging will consist of two rounds: symmetry and muscularity.
  3. Each competitor will be given a single placement based on total performance in each round with an overall tabulation of placing between all rounds.

Symmetry Round

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching.
  2. Will execute a series of quarter turns to the right allowing the judges to view them from the front, left side, back and right side before returning to the front starting position.
  3. Judging is based on overall symmetry and muscle definition.
  4. High heels are standard footwear.

Muscularity Round (Mandatory Poses)

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching and heels firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Will execute a series of six (6) mandatory poses with a sufficient amount of time to hold each pose for the judges and to rest between each pose.
  3. Must be performed in heels.
  4. Jewelry is permitted but no costumes, wings, gloves, hats, etc.
  5. After initial comparisons are completed the head judge may shift the position of the competitors to conduct additional comparisons.
  6. All posing is to be performed with open hands – no clenched fists.
  7. The six (6) mandatory poses include:
    1. Front Double Biceps
    2. Side Chest
    3. Side Triceps
    4. Rear Double Biceps
    5. Abdominal / Serrates
    6. Abdominal / Legs

Women’s Figure Examples



2 Rounds of Competition

Wellness Category-The Game Changer For Women

Big Booty Girls Rejoice! Women’s Wellness category is for women with fuller figures who seek the opportunity to compete in a fitness competition too. The Wellness category is one that focuses on symmetry, proportions, general appearance and essentially, the ‘overall package’. Generally, you should have a healthy and fit figure, with a firm appearance. In this category it is perfectly fine to have fuller hips, thighs and buttocks. Although muscle definition is acceptable, you should avoid; too muscle definition or separation, and SHOULD NOT HAVE very low body fat levels, dryness or muscle size. The Wellness Woman is a woman who just might have thicker thighs, rounded hips/buttocks; she might also be very narrow in the hips and have difficulty putting on muscle and size. The Wellness Category is also a choice for those who love competing but their bodies just didn’t seem to fit into a traditional category; and a great place for new competitors to get started!

Wellness Category: Attire

What you wear matters, so do not overlook the rules of your federation, because you will be marked down if you aren’t dressed appropriately. Generally; you will be expected to wear a two-piece swimsuit or sportswear outfit. Your footwear also needs attention; you should wear high heels that are comfortable and platform shoes are generally NOT ALLOWED. It should be noted that you can wear simple jewelry as long as it is not distracting. Finally; you can style your hair as you wish. In addition to what you wear, you should also be tanned for the event, your tan should be the more of a ‘lasting’ kind and not one that wipes off. As well as you tan, you can use oils to highlight muscle definition, however; excessive use can get you disqualified, so be careful.

Round 1

In this round you will be called on stage where your group will be called to the center of the stage. Here you will be directed through a quarter turn right, a quarter turn back, a quarter turn right and a quarter turn front. You should maintain good posture throughout. Failure to perform quarter turns adequately could result in being marked down or disqualified.

Front Facing Position

In front facing position; you should stand upright with your stomach in, chest high, and shoulders back. In addition, your head and eyes should be facing forwards. Rest one hand on your hip and position one leg out to the side. Your other hand should hang straight down by your side, along with an open palm, facing forwards, with straight fingers.

Quarter Turn Right

You will now reveal your left side to the judges. In this pose your upper body should be turned towards the judges and you should be looking directly at them. Rest your right hand on your hip and hang your left arm down and back to reveal the centerline of your body. Again, with an open palm and straight fingers. Your left foot should come forward slightly and up on tip toes, raising your hip, with a slight bend in your knee.

Quarter Turn Back

Your second quarter turn will reveal your back to the judges. Here you will be expected to stand up straight with a slight and natural curve in your lower back. Rest one hand on your hip and one leg out to the side. Your hand should hang straight down by your side, again with open palm and straight fingers. As with the front facing position, you should have your stomach in, chest high, and shoulders back. You will be expected to keep your back to the judges the entire time.

Quarter Turn Right

This final turn will reveal your right side to the judges. Stance should be the exact opposite of the first quarter turn that previously revealed your left side. Your upper body should be turned towards the judges and you should be looking directly at them.

Rest your left hand on your hip and hang your right arm down and back to reveal the centerline of your body, again with open palm and straight fingers. Your right foot should come forward slightly and up on tip toes, raising the hip, with a slight bend in your knee. It is important to note that you should not move, or drop your pose, unless you are instructed to do so. You will return to your original line-up after all of your turns are complete, at which point, you will all leave the stage.

Round 2

As with Round 1; you will be called back on stage to center stage for the judges. In addition to this, you will stop to perform a couple different poses of your own choosing. Once all athletes have arrived, the judges will submit their individual suggestions for further comparison between competitors. All individual comparisons will be performed center stage. After all comparisons are complete, you will resume your line up position before exiting the stage. You will be called back on stage once the judges have made their decision, after which the award ceremony will take place.

Women’s Wellness Examples




Physique Competitors Move Even Closer To The Female Bodybuilding End Of The Scale, but they are expected to be more feminine than their Bodybuilding Counterparts. Judges are also looking for a bit larger and bit more defined muscles than a Figure competitor. Physique competitors are muscular, but not so much so that they would be described as ‘ripped’.  Around 9-12% body fat is appropriate. Points are scored for muscle size, tone, poise and balance.

Female Physique Competitors Are Judged In A Traditional Bodybuilding Pose Style, With All Women Having To Perform The Following Poses…

  • Front double biceps/open hands (no flat footed full front pose–some sort of front twisting pose)
  • Back double biceps/open hands
  • Side triceps with leg extended
  • Side chest with arms extended
  • Front ab/thigh

In the physique category, competitors have to perform a routine choreographed to music of their choice. It is here where they can demonstrate their physique during movement. Physique competitors compete in their bare feet, and are judged on their muscle mass – they are expected to have full muscles (but not as thick as the bodybuilding women).  Women’s physique competitors should step on stage with some muscle striations, which are allowed in this category. The overall look that the judges want to see is, leaner and more muscular, than the other categories. The thick muscles and extremely low body fat levels of female bodybuilders is NOT desired in this category. Physique women are expected to have a wide back and shoulders, a smaller waist, strong, legs and glutes combined with perfect symmetry and balance to their physique, with some muscle striations. We offer both TESTED and NON-TESTED Divisions in Women’s Physique and retain the right to combine the Women’s Physique and the Women’s Bodybuilding categories together.

Women’s Bodybuilding… It Does Still Exist, But In A Much Smaller Form Than Before.

The Female Bodybuilding category has dropped off in recent years from it’s previous popularity. Most women these days have decided that they don’t want to go down that road, in terms of what it takes to be really successful in bodybuilding at the top levels in the sport. However we want to recognize and honor the tradition of Women’s Bodybuilding, by offering it through our Women’s Physique Category.

The Physique category is the only of the women’s Fitness & Bodybuilding category that is judged by weight and not height. This is because the judging is largely down to muscle mass and body fat levels rather than athleticism, appearance and femininity.

The judges may also call out further poses they wish to see in order to make their judgements.

Athletes are then allowed to go through their own posing routine that the competitors have choreographed themselves. This is an opportunity for female bodybuilders to show off their best poses, angles and muscles in order to score extra points with the judges. Points are scored for muscle size, symmetry and balance alongside low body fat and posing quality. In terms of body fat, the lower the better – muscle striations are expected all over the body and muscles are expected to be thick and full.

The perfect female bodybuilding physique should also be:

  • “Dry” (as much water removed from under the skin as possible)
  • “Granular” (body fat so low that the muscle texture can be seen)
  • “Vascular” (body fat and water so low that the blood vessels are big, thick and visible all over).

A female Physique Athlete with all of the above will score maximum points.

Your Category And Your Goals

A dramatic decline in popularity of the female bodybuilding category, coupled with the explosion in popularity of weight training amongst women, means that the sport as a whole had to evolve.

It did so by adding all kinds of categories for the women, leading to the wide range that we now have available. These female categories are broad enough that there’s likely to be one that suits your interest, your physique and your training goals—should you wish to go down the competitive road. Your natural physique may be suited to some categories more than others. While natural body shape plays a huge part in where you fit in the world of Fitness Competitions, you should not forget that this is still a bodybuilding sport after all. Therefore, the objective is to “build” your desired body with training and nutrition. Women’s Physique is about sculpting your body and weightlifting is the only way to do this.

Remember that you don’t have to restrict yourself to one female category, many women go in at one level and work their way around the sport. How far you want to take this is entirely up to you!

Women’s Physique Examples



For this competition the AcroYoga participants must compete in Teams of 2 or more persons. Each team will be given a total of 1-5 points each in the following categories:

  • Execution: How well the team performs the movements. (Are the moves crisp & clear)
  • Endurance: How fit for the task is each team (Do they have equal strength & endurance throughout)
  • Excitement: Is the teams routine dynamic and bold, keep the audience engaged? (Or are they bored)

Each team shall perform a routine that is no shorter than 1:30 and no longer than 2:00. The guidelines for the music shall be the same guidelines that are set out for fitness routines. All music must be received via email no later than May 25, 2024. All music must be downloaded and cut to the length of the AcroYoga Performance.

Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 teams, which can include cash, trophies, medallions, etc. The registration fee is $50.00 per team.

AcroYoga Examples

Three AcroYogi performing in the park. Two women are held aloft by a man with his feet while laying in the grass