Men’s Bodybuilding Category

Example of an athlete in this category
Men’s Bodybuilding Athlete

2 Rounds of Competition

  1. Criteria used to judge a physique is based on two equal rounds: symmetry and muscularity.
  2. Each competitor will be given a score placement based on total performance in each round with an overall tabulation of placing between all rounds.
  3. Competitors must wear posing suits for Bodybuilding and above the thigh square cut posing shorts for Classic Physique. Jewelry is not permitted except for wedding bands.

Symmetry Round

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching.
  2. Will execute a series of quarter turns to the right allowing the judges to view them from the front, left side, back and right side before returning to the front starting position.
  3. Symmetry refers to the structural harmony of the physique relative to the size of various body parts. It can be defined as the proportional balance of opposite body parts.
  4. Symmetry does not refer to muscular mass but rather to the harmonious blend of all body parts to present a total aesthetically proportionally developed physique.
  5. Points are not granted based on potential.

Muscularity Round (Mandatory Poses)

  1. Competitors will present themselves on stage in serial order in a straight line or curve facing the judges assuming a semi-relaxed stance with ankles touching and heels firmly planted on the floor.
  2. Will execute a series of ten (10) mandatory poses with a sufficient amount of time to hold each pose for the judges and to rest between each pose.
  3. Must be performed barefoot.
  4. After initial comparisons are complete the head judge may shift the position of the competitors to conduct additional comparisons.
  5. Judges will be looking at the size of the muscle relative to skeletal structure, shape, hardness and definition. This includes the separation between individual muscles and muscle groups and the striations within a muscle or muscle group. Additionally, for Bodybuilding competitors, the judges will be looking for dryness and extreme leanness.
  6. In both the Bodybuilding & Classic Physique categories, competitors have to perform a routine choreographed to music of their choice. (1-Minute and songs must be properly edited for the general public) It is here where the competitor can demonstrate their physique during movement. Physique competitors compete in their bare feet just as the Bodybuilders do, and are judged on their muscle mass—they are expected to have full muscles (but not as thick as the Bodybuilders). Classic Physique competitors should step on stage with some muscle striations, which are allowed in this category. The overall look that the judges want to see is, leaner and more muscular, than the other categories.The thick muscles and extremely low body fat levels of the Bodybuilders is NOT desired for the Classic Physique Competitor. Physique Competitors should have a wide back and shoulders, a smaller waist, strong, legs and glutes combined with perfect symmetry and balance to their physique, with some muscle striations. We offer both TESTED and NON-TESTED Divisions in Classic Physique and retain the right to combine the Classic Physique and Bodybuilding categories together.
  7. Muscle shape should be aesthetically pleasing and should demonstrate development from the abdomen out to the extremities.
  8. The ten (10) mandatory poses include:
    1. Front Double Biceps
    2. Front Lat Spread
    3. Abdominal Pose
    4. Side Chest
    5. Side Triceps
    6. Rear Double Biceps
    7. Rear Lat Spread
    8. Quadriceps
    9. Hands-on-hips Most Muscular
    10. Most Muscular Crab Shot (men only)
    11. Most Symmetrical

What to Wear

You must wear a posing suit. This is typically a small, form-fitting garment (like a bikini brief for men or a posing bikini for women) designed to showcase your muscularity and symmetry. No additional clothing or jewelry is allowed, except for a wedding band. You’ll compete barefoot.